MEMBERSHIP MEETING REPORT The meeting was called to order at 6PM CST by President Hank Montgomery K4HM. The minutes of the May 2023 membership meeting were read by the Secretary, Selene Montgomery KG4RMT. The following Reports were give by Board Members and Committee Heads on their actions on behalf of the club. President and Webmaster Hank K4HM - Besides keeping up with what everyone else is doing, I mostly work on the website, especially the automated processes. I also run the EchoLink net on Thursday, and maintain the NetLogger profile used by the nets. In my spare time I dream up projects to keep our board members busy. Vice President and Program Manager Dwight W8TJT - Announced that Fred Koch KA2HPG Communications Director was in the hospital. Dwight said he is the Net Control for the Wednesday night Tech Net. He reported that the Berlin Rally attendees wanted to return to Berlin in spring 2024. He commended Michelle for the design of the caps and shirts that were given out to those attending the rally. RVRN 40th Anniversary hats and shirts may be ordered with the help of Michelle N3YRZ. NOTE: Michelle
sent a chat with the following link for the hats on
Secretary Selene KG4RMT - Prepares minutes for the Board
Meetings and Membership Meetings. Sent greeting card to
Fred Koch KA2HPG. When ordering you will need to provide the image. You can save the image to your computer from this link When completing your order there will be a button to upload that image. Treasurer Alan AC0F was unable to attend. Hank stated we are in good shape financially. Immediate Past President and Membership/PIO Manager Calvin - KC1M reported current membership numbers are over 300 members. Calvin continues communications with members via emails, and the RVRN Facebook page, passing information on possible gatherings and nets Director and Communications Manager Fred Koch KA2HPG was unable to attend the meeting. Director and ARRL Liaison Tom W3TOM - Keeps the club records up-to-date on the ARRL website and keeps the club informed of ARRL actions and plans. At the recent board ARRL meeting, the board decided on a $10 increase in dues. Dues will no longer include paper copies of QST but all 4 ARRL magazines will continue to be available free online. Changes are also being considered for the cost of Life Membership. Director and IT Manager, Tech Guy and Rally SOP Committee Tim K5TGS was unable to attend. Newsletter Editor JJ WR5E - Thanks to Michelle for her help in trying to move the newsletter forward. The newsletter is in a new format, with articles wanted on individual members' activities and projects, as well as lots of information on club activities. 2023 Fall Rally Rally Host Kelly KC5MEM - Currently in New Mexico with little cell service and could not get online. Hank reported that all 20 reserved sites have been taken but a few extra sites are still available for the Texas rally in September. Hank announced that Kelly KC5MEM, Marshall- KF9SU, and Calvin - KC1M are going to be on a committee to develop an SOP for Nominations and Elections based on lessons learned from our first election. No questions were asked regarding any of these reports. The Meeting Program was about DTMF Tones, and presented by Bob Blackstock WB5MRG. Bob gave a history of DTMF tones with regards to the telephone industry, and incorporated ham use up to the present time along with his project of automation of DTMF for FM Modes. There were questions and discussions relative to the program. The meeting adjourned at 7:12 PM CST followed by several members joining in a chat session about Western Nets, program comments and Quartzfest plans.  Chat conversations continued until about 8PM Central time. There were approximately 22 members in attendance. Respectfully submitted Selene Montgomery - KG4RMT RV Radio Network Secretary |