The RVRN EchoLink net meets each Thursday at 8:00 PM Central time on the Multi-Mode SouthEast Conference Node, *SELINK*. During our net, the conference node is connected to the W4GTA/W4EDP, and N4LMC EchoLink repeaters in Lookout Mountain, GA and Signal Mountain, TN providing a large coverage area where local hams are encouraged to participate over RF.
These SouthEast Link digital modes are bridged to SELINK on Thursday nights:
C4FM – FCS Reflector – FCS002 Room 89 SouthEast Link, DMR2YSF TG 100289 C4FM – FCS Reflector – FCS003 Room 89 SouthEast Link, DMR2YSF TG 100389 C4FM – YCS Reflector – YCS310, Room #36 (Hotspot connects to FCS31036) C4FM – YSF Reflector – “US SOUTHEASTLINK”, Room #43389 D-Star – N4LMC-C 145.160 – located atop Lookout Mountain, GA D-Star – W4RRG-B 444.725 – located atop Signal Mountain, TN D-Star – XReflector systems XRF913-D, XLX913-D, DCS913-D (primary) D-Star – XReflector systems XRF139-D, XLX139-D, DCS139-D (secondary) DMR – N4LMC 444.7125 – located atop Lookout Mountain, GA – TS2, TG 43389 DMR – W4PL 444.150 – located atop Signal Mountain, TN – TS2, TG 314722 DMR – Brandmeister Network, Talkgroup SouthEast Link #314722 DMR – DMR+ Network, QuadNet IPSC2 Server, TG 323 DMR – QRM Network, Talkgroup SouthEast Link #43389 DMR – TGIF Network, TalkGroup SOUTHEAST-LINK #43389 M17 - M17 Reflector M17-SEL NXDN – NXDN Reflector 43389 P25 – P25 Reflector 43389 Wires-X – N4LMC 442.650 – located atop Lookout Mountain, GA Wires-X – N4LMC 442.725 – located atop Signal Mountain, TN Wires-X Room – Room # 43389 As well as these Analog links: Allstar LMARC Node # 510131 – SouthEast Link Bridge System Allstar W4EDP-L Node # 46145 - LMARC Systems Broadcastify / Radio Reference (listen only) Click here Echolink – Conference Server *SELINK*, Node # 387904 All of the GA/TN LMARC/TSARC System RepeatersSee the LMARCwebsite for information about the South East Multi-Mode system.
We thank Emmett Perdue, W4EDP, and the Tri-States Amateur Radio Club in Lookout Mountain, GA for making these EchoLink resources available to our net.
The EchoLink network can be accessed from a local repeater as well as from a computer or mobile device running the EchoLink software. Regardless of the access method you use, your voice is sent to any EchoLink repeaters connected to the net and transmitted on-the-air from those repeaters so a Technician class license or higher is required.
The RV Radio Network EchoLink net supplements the nightly RV Radio Network HF net. The advantages provided by EchoLink include:
- Available to Technician License Class operators
- Not subject to antenna restrictions
- Can participate even without a radio or antenna
- Participate from camp or RV witout HF mobile
- Access the net from virtually anwyere in the world
- Not affected by poor RF propagation, QRN, or QRM
Please contact me if you have any questions or difficulty setting up or using the EchoLink software. I am by no means an expert, but if I don't know the answer I will get an answer for you.
K4HM - Hank