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The RV Radio Network EchoLink Net

The RVRN EchoLink net meets each Thursday at 8:00 PM Central time on the Multi-Mode SouthEast Conference Node, *SELINK*. During our net, the conference node is connected to the W4GTA/W4EDP, and N4LMC EchoLink repeaters in Lookout Mountain, GA and Signal Mountain, TN providing a large coverage area where local hams are encouraged to participate over RF.

These SouthEast Link digital modes are bridged to SELINK on Thursday nights:

C4FM – FCS Reflector – FCS002 Room 89 SouthEast Link, DMR2YSF TG 100289
C4FM – FCS Reflector – FCS003 Room 89 SouthEast Link, DMR2YSF TG 100389
C4FM – YCS Reflector – YCS310, Room #36 (Hotspot connects to FCS31036)
C4FM – YSF Reflector – “US SOUTHEASTLINK”, Room #43389
D-Star – N4LMC-C 145.160 – located atop Lookout Mountain, GA
D-Star – W4RRG-B 444.725 – located atop Signal Mountain, TN
D-Star – XReflector systems XRF913-D, XLX913-D, DCS913-D (primary)
D-Star – XReflector systems XRF139-D, XLX139-D, DCS139-D (secondary)
DMR – N4LMC 444.7125 – located atop Lookout Mountain, GA – TS2, TG 43389
DMR – W4PL 444.150 – located atop Signal Mountain, TN – TS2, TG 314722
DMR – Brandmeister Network, Talkgroup SouthEast Link #314722
DMR – DMR+ Network, QuadNet IPSC2 Server, TG 323
DMR – QRM Network, Talkgroup SouthEast Link #43389
DMR – TGIF Network, TalkGroup SOUTHEAST-LINK #43389
M17 - M17 Reflector M17-SEL
NXDN – NXDN Reflector 43389
P25 – P25 Reflector 43389 
Wires-X – N4LMC 442.650 – located atop Lookout Mountain, GA
Wires-X – N4LMC 442.725 – located atop Signal Mountain, TN
Wires-X Room – Room # 43389

As well as these Analog links:

Allstar LMARC Node # 510131 – SouthEast Link Bridge System
Allstar W4EDP-L Node # 46145 - LMARC Systems
Broadcastify / Radio Reference (listen only) Click here
Echolink – Conference Server *SELINK*, Node # 387904
All of the GA/TN LMARC/TSARC System Repeaters
See the LMARCwebsite for information about the South East Multi-Mode system.

We thank Emmett Perdue, W4EDP, and the Tri-States Amateur Radio Club in Lookout Mountain, GA for making these EchoLink resources available to our net.

The EchoLink network can be accessed from a local repeater as well as from a computer or mobile device running the EchoLink software. Regardless of the access method you use, your voice is sent to any EchoLink repeaters connected to the net and transmitted on-the-air from those repeaters so a Technician class license or higher is required.

The RV Radio Network EchoLink net supplements the nightly RV Radio Network HF net. The advantages provided by EchoLink include:

You can use this step-by-step EchoLink Installation Guide to help you download and install the software you need to access EchoLink from a PC. For a mobile divice just install the EchoLink App that is appropriate to your Android or IOS device. You will also need to upload an "Official Copy" of your license (available on the FCC website) in order to get authorization to use the EchoLink network. The installation guide will walk you through that process as well. It is quick and easy if you have previously registered with FCC/ULS. If you have not registered you sould do so now even if you do not intend to use EcohLink.

Please contact me if you have any questions or difficulty setting up or using the EchoLink software. I am by no means an expert, but if I don't know the answer I will get an answer for you.

K4HM - Hank
Email: webmaster@rvradionetwork.com